This was the first time we did a “Time Travel” adventure for a holiday celebration. The plans were made on a whim. All I knew is I wanted us to feel the essence of Victorian romance in the air, and feel completely carefree for that moment.
What makes Oregon Electric Station in Eugene unique is that they took old-fashioned luxury train passenger cars from 1905-1925 and connected them to the restaurant, which itself used to be a real train station.

Aside from the unique atmosphere and yummy food, another neat part of the experience was seeing the reactions of those around us. I could see from the corner of my eyes people sneaking pictures of us! Some had to come over and tell us how fun it was to see us all dressed up.

Honestly, it was just a few things I found in my closet… all these years I never knew my choice in clothing would be so handy for Steampunk. I suppose I just like romantic things!

What a good chap James was to do something so out of the norm for him. I could tell his digs made him stand taller and carry himself with much pride. The transformation was remarkable, and his natural gentlemanly skills seemed more defined. Not that he was someone else – just a more energetic projection of who he already is.

It was a splendid time, and we will forever cherish the memories we made that day.
Have you ever kidnapped your VALENTINE? That’s what happened to my poor husband James one year. He was at my mercy… with no clue what I had planned or what time period we were going to end up at. I just gave him a pile of clothes and said, “put this on and let’s go,” and James was like “ok.” Later, on the way there, he sheepishly asks, “ummm… are we going out for pizza?, Cause if so, we might be a little overdressed.”

This was the first time we did a “Time Travel” adventure for a holiday celebration. The plans were made on a whim. All I knew is I wanted us to feel the essence of Victorian romance in the air, and feel completely carefree for that moment.
What makes Oregon Electric Station in Eugene unique is that they took old-fashioned luxury train passenger cars from 1905-1925 and connected them to the restaurant, which itself used to be a real train station.

Aside from the unique atmosphere and yummy food, another neat part of the experience was seeing the reactions of those around us. I could see from the corner of my eyes people sneaking pictures of us! Some had to come over and tell us how fun it was to see us all dressed up.

Honestly, it was just a few things I found in my closet… all these years I never knew my choice in clothing would be so handy for Steampunk. I suppose I just like romantic things!

What a good chap James was to do something so out of the norm for him. I could tell his digs made him stand taller and carry himself with much pride. The transformation was remarkable, and his natural gentlemanly skills seemed more defined. Not that he was someone else – just a more energetic projection of who he already is.

It was a splendid time, and we will forever cherish the memories we made that day.
This is adorable! And what a great idea. I am definitely going to do this with my sweetie. I do love that restaurant and the atmosphere is great. I always love your pictures too with the little added quotes and old-fashioned look. It’s a digital scrapbook. The best!