Majesty of Fantasy: Blog

Devine Marie, Queen of Dreams Memoirs
Heart Heist: February 14, 1912

Heart Heist: February 14, 1912

Have you ever kidnapped your VALENTINE? That’s what happened to my poor husband James one year. He was at my mercy… with no clue what I had planned or what time period we were going to end up at. I just gave him a pile of clothes and said “put this on and let’s go,”….

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First Visit Into the Realm of the Faeries (aka Fairies)

First Visit Into the Realm of the Faeries (aka Fairies)

The warmth of the Autumn sun summons me to step into the woods to a new celebration of the season. My little niece and I had never walked amongst the hidden folk, for pixies, elves and their woodland friends typically stay hidden in the pages of storybooks. On this day of harvest they were all out to frolic in their natural habitat. It seemed only right to grow wings of our own and play along with them…

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